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STEM Learning With Dotty's Place

Discover the excitement of STEM with Dotty's Place! We offer hands-on STEM Game Time and engaging STEM Lessons, perfect for classrooms or small groups. This fall, we're featuring our popular Static Electricity Lesson, aligned with National Science Standards and Common Core. Check out our brochures and contact us today to learn more or schedule a visit!

September and October 

Static Electricity Experiment

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Ever wonder why your hair stands on end after taking off a sweater? Or why a balloon sticks to the wall after rubbing it on your hair? That's static electricity in action! In this lesson, we'll become electricity detectives, investigating how and why these fascinating phenomena occur.


Lesson Description: Students will participate in a series of experiments using everyday items like balloons, plastic combs, and paper pieces to observe static electricity in action. They will hypothesize which materials will generate or respond to static electricity and test their predictions. Through guided activities, students will learn about the transfer of electrons, the creation of static charges, and how different objects interact with these charges.



National Science Standards:

PS2.B: Types of Interactions;

PS3.A: Definitions of Energy

Common Core Standards:

ELA-Literacy: W.3.7, W.4.7, W.5.7 (Conduct short research projects that build knowledge about a topic); RL.K.1 (With prompting ask and answer questions about details.

Math: MP.2 (Reason abstractly and quantitatively); K.MD.A.2 (Describe and compare measurable attributes)


This lesson is perfect for sparking curiosity and fostering a love for science in young minds. Whether you're a teacher looking to enhance your science curriculum or a parent eager to support your child's learning at home, this static electricity lesson is sure to captivate and educate. For more information or to schedule a visit, contact us at or call 520-457-6937.

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