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Got Peace? (The blog behind the tee!) Finding Peace in Life

stuffed dog with with word Love behind it.

I was on my way to visit my favorite place to write, when I almost wound up in an accident. I was on the freeway and going through a construction zone, when my car suddenly lost power and drifted to a sudden halt. The freeway was busy, and I was in the middle lane when this occurred. The car that was directly behind me changed lanes and kept going. But to my consternation, I noticed a big truck approaching. I had about enough time to consider that my situation was not looking good, before it stopped, mere inches from my bumper. And then the incredible thing happened. He turned on his hazards and sat there. I was frantically starting and restarting my car, but every time I gave it gas, my car would just groan and not move an inch. I have to admit, I was beyond frustrated. The lane to the right of me opened up. When I looked over, I noticed that another trucker had stopped a few yards back, and he too was holding up traffic, so I could make my way over. This all must have been only about 2 minutes tops, but in my mind, it felt like I lived an entire lifetime plus a few bonus years. By the time my car was moving again, my knees were shaking. Of course, I headed straight to the shop, where they probably won't be able to check it out till tomorrow. 

Broken car with hood up.

So, why am I telling you this story? It’s because the topic I was hoping to address, during this blog, was “Got Peace?” When I hear this phrase, for some reason I imagine Snoopy, dressed up in psychedelic colors, with a peace symbol in the background. That no matter what is going on around him, Snoopy has this way of handling it with flair. This is the attitude that I wish I could present more often. 

Instead, I’m more along the lines of the worrier. I question things so much and try to find insights. I want to know my options, possible outcomes and likely challenges. Though it’s good to be a thinker and planner, this type of attitude can also be consequential. I mean, I can’t tell you the number of opportunities I’ve missed, because I wasn’t sure which choice to pick. The worrier in me is the part that doesn’t get out and live enough. 

If you’ve known me for a while, you might not even realize this aspect of my personality. I walk to my own drum, I go out on adventures, and I love to take chances. But underneath the risks are a very solid thought process. I come off the way I do because I’ve learned the secret of embracing change and deriving purposeful peace.  I actively work to find peace in life.

Having peace is a mental exercise. It really isn’t the product of positive experiences. Case in point, how many times have you met someone who had everything yet was still incredibly angry or dissatisfied. 

The reason why I initially chose this topic was because I had had a few conversations with people, this week. The overarching thing I could tell you about these conversations was that no one I met was truly at peace. We are all racking up complaints about one thing or another. We all wish our lives or existence was just a little different. And the things I kept desiring to ask folks was why are they so upset. Some of the things that bother us are actual concerns that should be addressed. But much of what is causing our duress has little or nothing to do with our person. When did we start caring so much about non-essential things? Why are we damaging our minds and bodies by sweating the trivial? 

Frustrated woman

And to that, I offer this question, “Got Peace?” What would it take for you to come to a state of calmness? 

When I dropped my car off, I ran into another problem. I was over 25 miles from home and there was no bus. I spent about 20 minutes trying to figure out what I would do. I had the choice of going home or walking to the library to type this blog. I don’t exactly know how I’ll get home tonight. I simply know I will. I’ll probably catch a ride to a shuttle bus and get picked up when it reaches our town square. But the thing is, it really doesn’t matter. In the long the greater scheme of car needs to get fixed and somehow, I have to figure out how to get it done. I have options, so it’s not the end of the world. And worrying about it won’t get this blog written. 

You see, peace is a choice. How I arrive at peace (don’t forget I am a big worrier) is to think it through and ask the important questions like, “What is the worst that can happen?” or “What will I do if my greatest fears occur?” Usually, I can see that what is causing my heart to thud and my head to pound is not nearly as consequential as I imagined. I’ve also learned that sometimes in trying to avoid the bad, we either create the thing we fear or worsen the situation. Have you ever seen someone spend more energy on deception than on just being honest and telling the truth? It’s kind of like that. Attaining peace requires an amount of honesty. Honesty about ourselves, the situation, and the likely outcome. 

The words 'peace of mind' written in the clouds.

Well, this is already a long blog, and I don’t feel like I’ve even begun to discuss how to find peace. It looks like I have a goal for next week. Maybe that is a goal we all could make; to learn more about ourselves and how to attain peace. If you think about it, it’s kind of worth it. I mean, aren’t you a little exhausted?  Being so upset and angry all the time takes a lot of time and energy. Why go there, when you have, in your hands the power to experience true peace. Got Peace?


T-shirt the goes with blog.  Stuffed animal with the word love behind it.

As always, I like to share my motto: Live your P.O.W.E.R.! hard...excel...and reap the rewards. I know it does not suggest having peace, but living your power has the potential to aid as we are Finding Peace in Life. When you put in the work, peace can come in the immediate aftermath, or it is the scaffolding that you use when problems arise. 

Well, wish me luck on my car. Learn more about Dotty’s Place at We are a nonprofit organization working to encourage brain health.  

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