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Small Moments...Life Avalanche . (The Blog Behind the Tee!) What You Do And How You Do It Matter!

Someone I know recently found himself in some serious trouble. This person that I couldn’t imagine even sitting in a jail cell, was doing just that. I have to admit, I cried when I found out. In my mind, all I kept thinking about was how much his life would change.  

Some events have the power to transform a life monumentally.  When they do occur, it’s almost as if life is being thrown off kilter or you’re being knocked into a completely different orbit. This young man’s story was one of those cases. It was so tragic that I found myself referring to it as a life avalanche.  

Life avalanches are episodes in life where something initially presents itself as a small moment. This small moment swiftly gains momentum and turns into a life altering event. And it’s that event that heavily affects your future.  

If you’ve ever seen videos of an avalanche, they first appear to be small objects sliding down a mountainside. But as they get closer, the true breadth of them becomes evident. Suddenly you are looking at something that has the power to crush you. It’s hurtling towards you at such a speed that you can’t avoid contact. When impact occurs, the results are so engulfing that many people are left unsure of which way is up or down. The hard part is this: If you want out of your avalanche, the only way forward is to start digging.  

You see, small moments do matter. There are no insignificant actions. Words are not meaningless expressions. The things we do and say count. And, many times our everyday encounters are more important than major life events. 

This young man’s story was devastating, but not all life avalanches are negative.  Some avalanches are purposely created. They are formed by calculated actions.  

In knowing the importance of small moments, I went from my struggling existence, as a single mother, and became a college graduate with two degrees. I drove my little school bus and studied every chance I could. I would sometimes be so tired that I would just cry. And most of the time I was the sole caretaker of my children. Did you notice the amount of work that I put in?


When you look at my upward mobility, it seems less about circumstances and opportunities. And more about the multitude of small moments that coalesced into an avalanche of results. 

Here’s the thing: small moments can either make or break you.  Each one serves a purpose in making us who we are. 

Here’s my advice:  

If you are feeling engulfed by a difficult life avalanche, please don’t give up hope. The only way out is to simply keep digging. You may not be able to see where the exit is, but things have the potential to get better as you carry out tasks one small moment at a time.  What you do and how you do it matter. 

If, on the other hand, you want to create your own life avalanche, the answer is within. Determine your course and know exactly what your dream is. Walk into your journey knowing that you will be called to complete a plethora of small moments.  To succeed you will need to do whatever it takes.  

Whether you are digging your way out or creating your own momentum, there are several advantages to breaking your progress down into small moments. You’ll celebrate more. There will be many small victories because you are reflecting on your growth, not the end game. You’ll also have less stress. That’s because you aren’t tasking yourself with trying to corner the market, before you even learn the skill. 

The young man I was telling you about is now out of jail. Though all charges were dropped he is still deeply engulfed by his life avalanche. He will have a long hard road as he picks up the pieces to create a new version of himself. His life will never be the same.  I am so grateful that he has a few strong older men to give him the fatherly love and support that he needs. 

I have learned: It’s the small moments that will lead you to life avalanches. What you do and how you do it matter. 

As you continue on your path, don’t forget to Live your P.O.W.E.R.! Plan...Organize...Work hard...Excel...and Reap the rewards. You have the power to make it. You have the power to do great things. Keep digging. 

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